
Tiedje Woods

Tjiedge forestTiedje Woods was donated to Thames Talbot land Trust in April 2009 by John and Dorothy Tiedje of Sarnia. As life-long naturalists, the Tiedjes had purchased the property 20 years previously in order to enjoy and protect its natural features. It is now a natural legacy, entrusted to TTLT.


The 6.1-ha (15-acre) wooded property lies within the boundaries of the Ausable River Valley area of natural and scientific interest (ANSI) and the Ausable River Valley Carolinian Canada site. It has been certified as ecologically sensitive through the Eco-Gift Program administered by the Canadian Wildlife Service.

Tiedje Woods boasts steep and rolling topography, covered with intermediate and early successional deciduous forest with good canopy cover.

A low-order tributary of the Ausable River dissects Tiedje Woods towards the eastern boundary on Sylvan Road. A steeply-banked ravine flanks the creek.

Among the more mature canopy trees present in the ravine are Sugar Maple, Beech, Black Walnut, Basswood, Ironwood and Black Cherry. A Butternut sapling, as well as planted Blue Ash, Pawpaw, Cucumber Tree, Redbud saplings, tall White Ash and several large Red Oak are also present.

A section of the woods at the northern edge of the property appears to be secondary growth resulting from previous clear-cutting and/or heavy grazing. There is a dense forest understory.

Tiedje Woods has a short trail that is open to the public.